- 316L Stainless Steel ASTM A351CF3M or A479S31603
- No tools required for disassembly
- Product line or vessel connection 1/2-inch weld, 1/2-inch clamp, 11/2-inch clamp
- Large Nylon 6/6 knob
- Viton or EPDM O-ring and Viton body gasket
- V-TEF™ seat
- All materials are FDA compliant
- 32 Ra ID wetted surfaces
- Meets USP Class VI with EPDM O-ring
- Actuated Sampling valves available
Rising Stem Sampling Valves
- Tri-Clamp® Inlet
- Tri-Clamp® , Swickle or Hose Barb Outlet
- Tri-Clamp® Purge Port connection
- Optional SIP/CIP ports
- Locking plastic cover
- Finer finishes, ID and OD, and electropolishing